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We will provide meals based on the hours your child is here. Generally, we will serve breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner if your child will be with us a bit later. You are more than welcome to pack a lunch or give us a list of what your child's favorite foods are as well as food he/she will definitely not eat.

Providing a safe, caring and homelike atmosphere for your child to feel comfortable in while he/she is away from you is as important to us as it is to you.  We are committed to establishing a physical, educational and social development. We ask that you please read our policies and procedures carefully.


Operating Hours
 Monday-Friday 5am to 10pm   * WEEKENDS and NIGHTS are negotiable, just ask!
We do ask that you arrive and pick up your child on your agreed time with us.  If you will be late for drop off or pick up, please let us know as soon as possible.

We can and will only release your child to your listed approved persons for pick up – we will require a valid photo ID of the person picking up any child until we get to know everyone and/or for any new person picking up your child.


There are 2 payment plan options with detailed time restraints. 
* Full time - $110 for up to 50 hours week (Anything over 50 hours a week will be negotiated per person)
* Part-time is $80 for up to 35 hours a week

*After school care up to 3 hours $15/day

*After school care up to 6 hours $20/day
Payment is due to the provider in advance of care and paid on following day of the week: Friday OR Monday before care. Accepted methods of payment include cash, card, or money order.
Late Fee
* Anytime you will be late picking up your child, please call to let us know. You will be charged $10 per every 30 minutes you are late.

Holidays, Vacations and Other Absence

* We will not be open for business on the following Holidays: New Years’ Eve, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. (Special circumstances may apply)
Parents are not expected to pay for care on those Holidays.

* The provider will take a 1 week vacation during the calendar year and will give parents 4 weeks’ notice. You will not be expected to pay that week.

* If you are planning a family vacation, please give us 4 weeks notice and we will waive your fee's for that week. Failure to give notice will result in full charges.


When a child is ill, the parents are expected to make every effort to give the provider as much notice as possible. Parents will be expected to pay on child sick days. (If your child has had a rash, fever, vomiting, lice, or pink eye within the last 24 hours please keep them at home)  If your child develops any of these symptoms while they are in our care, you will be contacted and expected to pick up your child immediately. We want to provide a healthy atmosphere and not share germs as much as possible.


Clothing and Necessity

   * Parents-please bring an extra pair of clothing for them to change into for any reason.. The children can keep extra set of clothes or items at the daycare. Each child will have their own cubby area.
   * Try to dress them in play clothes and clothes that are ok to get messy. We will try our best to keep clothes clean, but if we are doing any activity with paint, play dough, glue, or etc.

   *  Children can bring a special blanket or item with them to help them fall asleep or rest during quiet time. Please do not bring toys to daycare- we do not want to cause arguments over favorite toys or lose them. We will have plenty of age appropriate toys available 


   * Please bring diapers, wipes, formula or breastmilk for your child- these items are not furnished


   * Please bring swim wear/winter clothes depending on the season. We like to have outdoor time, weather permitting, to explore! In the summer, we will have water days with your permission.


Quiet time

   *  Everyday between 1pm to 3pm, we will have quit time. The younger children will lay down to rest. Older kids will be given quiet time activates (coloring supplies, puzzles, movies, or etc.)Please try to be as quiet as possible if you need to pick up your child at this time.


   * Your contract may be terminated immediately for failure to pay.
   * If we cannot resolves issues (aggressive child behavior, tardiness, no shows, etc) we will give you a 4 week written notice of termination.
   * If you are terminating this contact for any reason, you are required to give us a 4 week written notice

Thank you so much for allowing us to keep your child/children. We hope that we can work together to give your child the best care possible while they are away from home. If you are unhappy with anything at any given time, please let us know. We are here to provide for YOU and YOUR child! We want to make this the best experience for everyone.

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